We wrapped up our three-day Behaviour Modification Programme, which took place at the Lawaaikamp Community Hall and was attended by 21 participants, including 12 adults and 9 children.
Our first session involving only the parents, was to get an idea of the behavioural issues they are facing with their teenage children including uncontrollable and criminal behaviours.
During our second session with the children, we asked them to share what behavioural changes they undergo when they transition into adolescence (reach the teenage phase). The group openly shared about their behaviours, emotions and experiences with smoking and alcohol.
We invited Probation Officer, Mandy Appels to speak to them about punishable crimes. We learned that children who commit crimes can be punished and may go to prison as soon as they turn 18 years old.
Court preparations officer, Dumisa Nana also spoke to the youngsters about court proceedings. She assured them that when it comes to testifying in court, the court will always try to protect the child, and they can feel free to report anything that happens to them.
During our last session with both children and parents, we invited Siphokazi Mavimbela and Zameka Dyanty from SAHARA (Smoking and Alcohol Harms Alleviation and Rehabilitation Association) to educate them about the dangers of harmful substance use and the services they are offering.
We concluded our programme with an overview of the Children’s Act by our Senior Social Worker, Mrs Rachel Jooste-Booysen. She focused on what it says about the rights of children in relation to their care and protection as well as the responsibilities of parents.